Fokir Lalon Shah, Lalon Shai, Lalon Shah or Mahatma Lalon was a spiritual Baul saint, social reformer, philosopher, humanitarian, lyricist, composer and artist.
Lalon Shah’s birthday:
We do not know exactly when and where Lalon Shah was born. According to some rechearchers, Lalon born in 1974 in Bharora village of Kushtia subdivision of Nadia district (now in Bharora village of Chapra Union of Kumarkhali Upozila Kushtia District). His father’s name was Shri Madhav Kar mother’s name was Shrimati Padmabati.
According to another version, Fakir Lalon was born in 1772 AD (1st Kartik, 1179 Bangad AD) in Kulbere Harishpur village of Harinakundu Upazila in Jhenaidah district. Again in 1348, in an article published in the monthly Mohammadi newspaper, it is mentioned that Lalan was born in Fulbari village of Jessore district. Here his father’s name is Kazi Daribullah Dewan, mother’s name is Amina Khatun, grandfather’s name is Kazi Ghulam Qadir.
Listening to local Zarigan, Kabigan and various Bayati songs, Lalon’s addiction to music was born at a young age. Joined the singing group and started a carefree life. To bring home the vagabond, the family married him to Biskha Begum, daughter of Gulab Shah, a resident of Harishpur. Biskha Begum died after a few days. Later he married Motijan Bibi of Cheuria village of Kushtia district and stayed there.
However, according to most researchers, the young Lalan got sick on the way back after the pilgrimage. Unconscious, his companions float him down the river Kali on a raft. The minds Lalon, who was floating in the river, was brought home by Malam Shah’s wife Matizan Nesha. He recovered under the care of Malam Shah and Matizan Nesha. When Lalan recovered and went to his village, he was ostracized by his Hindu society for living in a Muslim house. As a result, he returned to the village of Chauria.
On his return to Chauria, Lalan came into the presence of the saint and singer Siraj Sai and accepted his discipleship. In the presence of Siraj Sahe, his spiritual being developed.
What was the religion of lalon fakir?
Scholars disagree about Lalon’s religious beliefs, which existed even during his lifetime. He was not observed to observe any religious practices during his lifetime. He had no formal education. During his pursuits, he gained knowledge of both Hindu and Islamic scriptures. Its identity is found in the songs written by him. He acquired knowledge of the ideologies of Buddhism, Sufism, Vaishnava Sahajiya etc. though he did not follow them either.
Lalon said in his song as:
“People said what caste is Lalon follows there?
Lalon says what the form of caste is
I did not see this look.”
He left his locality in Cheuria village of Kumarkhali upazila of Kushtia district and was engaged him in pursuit in the forest. As word of his practice spread, people flocked to him and accepted his discipleship. With his permission, the disciples built an akhara for him in Cheuria village. At the Akhara, Lalon taught the disciples principles and spirituality according to his own philosophy.
He hardly stayed in the arena at first. With his disciples, he spread his doctrine through songs in various places including Pabna, Sirajganj, Rajshahi, Jhenaidah, Jessore, Rajbari. Common people, be it Hindus or Muslims, began to accept his discipleship in droves. In his songs they find the address of human liberation.
Every winter a grand festival called ‘Bhandara’ was organized in Akhara. Along with spiritual discussions, songs written by Lalan were performed in the festival.
Lalon shah gaan or Lalon Geeti:
Fakir Lalon Shah’s song known as “Lalon Geeti” or “Baul Song”. Lalon has highlighted nature, pursuit of truth and humanity through his songs. Deep philosophical insights, spiritual thoughts, impermanence of worldly attachments are nurtured through simple yet mesmerizing melodies.
Lalon followed a particular style of questioning and answering simultaneously in his songs against various prejudices, communalism, social divisions etc. of contemporary society. In his songs, he also presents his own personal philosophy under the cover of metaphors.
Lalon used to compose verses by word of mouth and set them to music. Beloved would make his disciples memorize songs and later write them down when they felt the need. However, he did not record his songs himself. As a result, many of his songs are believed to have gone unrecorded. He is believed to have written more than two thousand songs.
Who is the best singer of lalon?
Over the years, many artistes have performed Lalon songs and become popular. Among them, Farida Parveen has won wide acclaim in the country and internationally. Other notable singers who contributed to the promotion of Lalon songs include Abbas Uddin, Shah Abdul Karim, Kangalini Sufia and Anusheh Anadil of ‘Lalon Bande’.
Lalon, Mir Mosharrof, Kangal Horinath and Rabindranath:
Lalon had a special affinity with Mir Mosharraf Hossain, one of the Muslim literary figures of the same medieval period, and Kangal Harinath Mojumder, the icon of rural journalism. While staying at Shilaidah Kuthibari, Rabindranath Thagore collected songs of Lalon. He published 20 songs in Prabasi magazine.
Lalon’s Picture:
There are no picture abailable in Lalons life time. Rabindranath Tagore’s brother Jitendranath Tagore made his only sketch during Lalon’s lifetime.

When did lalon fakir died?
Fakir Lalon Shah died on 17th October 1890. He played music till 5 am on the day of his death. At one point he told his disciples, “I go,” and died shortly after. No Hindu or Muslim religious rites were observed after his death as there was no order or wish of his. As per his advice he was buried inside the house inside the arena.
Lalon Academy:
In 1963, Lalon Folklore Center was established around Akhara Bari in Cheuria. Lalon Academy was established under Shilpakala Academy after the abolition of Lalon Folklore Center in 1978. Lalon Museum and Music Educational Center are housed in a four-storey building located at the Cheuria Lalon Majar. In addition to Lalon geeti under the management of Lalon Academy, there is teaching of instruments like ektara, dotra, dhol-tabla, harmonium, flute etc.
Lalon Festival:
As per the tradition of Lalan Shah, Sadhu Sanga and Lalan Remembrance Festival is organized in the premises of Kushtia Lalan Academy (Lalan Akhara) every year on ‘Dol Purnima’ in the month of March. This festival is organized for 3 days under the management of Lalon Academy.
Also, on the death anniversary of Lalon Shah, Lalon Academy organizes a 3-day long commemorative festival from 1st Kartik every year.
Long before the festival, Lalon devotees from all over the country started coming to Kushtia Lalon Academy premises. Sat down to get a mat bed with his followers inside the ‘Akhara’. Exchange of thoughts with Chali Guru, performance of various songs of Chali Lalan. Guru also sings his own songs to the devotees.
In both the festivals, prominent Lalan researchers of the country discuss the life and work of Lalan every evening on the permanent stage which fills the banks of the river Kali. After the discussion program, Lalon artists performed Lalon songs throughout the night.
On this occasion, a huge product fair is held in the outer field. From a few days ago, the traders have arranged the stalls of food products, ready-made clothes, toys, furniture, etc.