Mir Mosharrof Hossain, one of the foremost prose writers of the Bengali language and a pioneer of Bengali Muslim literature. His most popular literary work is the play “Bishad Sindhu” based on the battle of Karbala.
Mir Mosharrof Hossnin’s early life:
Mir Mosharrof Hossain was born on November 13, 1987 in Bengali 28 Kartik 1254 Bangabd in Kushtia District (then Nadia District) in Lahinipara village on the banks of Chapra Union of Kumarkhali Upazila. Father Mir Moazzem Hossain was the zamindar of Padmadi Estate. Mother’s name is Daulatunnecha.
Mir’s Education:
He was educated at home by learning Arabic and Persian from the Munsi. Later, Jagmahan Nandir of the village studied for a while in the school. After that he studied at Kumarkhali MN School, Kushtia High School and Padmadi School for some time. He also studied at Krishnanagar Collegiate School for a while. But his studies did not progress much.
Mir’s Working Life:
Mir Mosharrof Hossain’s career began with his father’s zamindari. Later he joined the Faridpur Nawab Estate and in 1885 was appointed manager of the Delduar Estate.
He started his literary practice from his student life. Another progeny of Kumarkhali, Grambarta editor Kangal Harinath Majumdar was his literary guru. He used to send news in “Sambad Prabhakar” newspaper edited by Kavi Ishwargupta.
Mir Mosharrof Hossain also used to edit two newspapers named “Ajizunehar” and “Hitkari”. Kangal used to write regularly in Harinath’s “Grambarta” newspaper. His affinity with Lalon Shah also developed as the Baul emperor Fakir Lalon Shah established an Akhara in his neighboring village.
Mir Mosharrof Hossain’s first novel Ratnavati was published in 1869, 4 years after the publication of Bankim Chandra’s first novel Durgeshanandini (1865). Mir Mosharrof Hossain, the prodigal of Muslim writers, abandoned the so-called Muslim Bengali language mixed with Arab-Persian and wrote numerous books in pure Bengali. Bishad Sindhu, based on the tragic history of Karbala, is read with religious reverence in the Muslim community of Bengal.
In plays and autobiographical novels, he took a keen look at the inconsistencies and problems of contemporary society. He composed the play ‘Zamidar Darpan’ against the backdrop of the peasant revolt in Sirajganj in 1872-73. He wrote an essay called ‘Go-Jivan’ expressing his opinion on the dialectical position between Hindus and Muslims regarding cow sacrifice in the subcontinent. When this article was published in 1889, he was ostracized by society. No further anthologies of the essays have since been published.
His notable literary works:
Mir Mosharrof Hossain was skilled in writing dynamic prose. One by one he wrote poems, novels, dramas, essays, autobiographies, textbooks, farces etc. His notable works are Gorai-Bridge or Gauri-Setu (1873), Vasantakumari Drama (1873), Zamindar Darpan (1873), Ere Awaja Ki (1875),Bishad-Sindhu (1885-1891), Sangeet Lahri (1887), Go-Jivan (1889), Behula Gitabhinaya (1898), Niyati Ki Avanati (1889), Udasin Pathikere Moner Katha (1890), Tahmina (1897), Tala Abhinay (1897), Gazi Mian’s Bastani (1899), Maulud Sharif (1903), Bengali Education of Muslims (two parts 1903, 1908), Hazrat Omar’s Religious Life (1905), Bibi Khodeja’s Marriage (1905), Madinah Gaurab (1906), Bajimat (1908), My Biography (1908-1910), My Biography of Bibi Kulsum (1910) etc.
He died at Padmadi his residence on December 19, 1912 at the age of 64. He was buried next to his wife Kulsum’s grave at Padmadi. Even though he is not here in person, he is forever shining in the midst of his fame, the legend of Bengali literature.

His memorial in Kushtia:
He died at Padmadi his residence on December 19, 1912 at the age of 64. He was buried next to his wife Kulsum’s grave at Padmadi. Even though he is not here in person, he is forever shining in the midst of his fame, the legend of Bengali literature.
Around 32 bighas of Mir’s grandfather’s residence in Lahinipara village of Kushtia had been dispossessed long ago. Locals rescued parts of the original building and established Mir Mosharrof Hossain Primary School in 1992. Mir Mosharraf Hossain Secondary School was established there in 1995.
In 2010, a one-storey, one-room library-cum-auditorium complex was constructed between primary and secondary schools with government funding.